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Nov. 4, 2010 Volume 32, No. 11

Event will emphasize clinical research need


Volunteers necessary to advance treatment studies

Thanks to volunteers worldwide, clinical research often leads to major advances in medical technology and treatments. However, more volunteers are needed.

To raise awareness about clinical research and its importance, the School of Medicine is sponsoring a free public webcast from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 6 at the ARC (Activity and Recreation Center) at 1701 W. Ash St. in Columbia.

The event, Aware for All, is the first National Clinical Research Education Day and is sponsored by the Center for Information and Study on Clinical Research Participation (CISCRP).

“There is a real need for education about clinical research, including the risks, benefits and rights of participation,” said Kathy Donovan Hanson, research participant advocate for the School of Medicine and former research coordinator. “I don’t think people are aware of the amount of research that is actually occurring around here, but nationally there are thousands of studies being conducted, and they are important for a number of reasons.”  

Hanson is interested in increasing the diversity of research participants. Diseases affect various populations in different ways, she said. For example, most research, especially cardiac research, used to occur in older Caucasian men. However, when it was discovered that women’s heart attack symptoms were not the same as men’s, much of the existing research on treatment was less useful for women of various racial and ethnic backgrounds, she said. 

“It is important for science to understand how we all experience illness and how to treat it,” Hanson said.

Locations across the country will be hosting the live webcast. The events will feature information and exhibit areas, and a free lunch. Attendees also can hear stories from patients who have participated in clinical research and become informed about what clinical trials are and how they work; why clinical research is needed; what questions people should ask to their doctor or provider before participating in a clinical trial; and the safety, benefits and risks of clinical research.

To register, call Laura Ward at 882-8957 or e-mail