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April 10, 2014 Volume 35, No. 26

Same job, new title for thousands

HR to conduct sessions on title changes next week

Many MU staff members recently received notification that they have a new job title and pay range as a result of the Staff Job Title and Salary Study.  

Don’t worry. Job duties don’t change. No employees will receive a reduction in salary and some will get a raise. Also, employee performance was not evaluated as a part of the study.

Since 2010, a project of the four University of Missouri System campuses has been underway to develop an internally equitable and externally competitive compensation and job classification system. The goal of the Staff Job Title and Salary Study is to retain and enhance recruitment of staff, said Karen Touzeau, MU associate vice chancellor of human resources.

Staff titles have been reviewed, except for those in service and maintenance, which are to be reviewed soon. The study included more than 1,400 job titles in 45 divisions, schools and colleges at MU. Approximately 5,700 MU and UM System employees will be affected by the new job classifications, Touzeau said. 

If employees are making more money than the maximum of the pay range associated with their title, they will not lose pay as a result of the new classification, she said. Employees whose current rate of pay falls below the minimum of the pay range to which their new title is assigned will receive an increase to bring their pay to the new minimum. 

The new job titles and salary ranges are effective April 13, Touzeau said. Human Resource Services will conduct information sessions at 2 p.m. April 14, 3 p.m. April 15 and 2 p.m. April 18 in Jesse Wrench Auditorium. To sign up for a session, please visit