At its April 8 meeting, the Staff Advisory Council heard an update on an online learning program that is in the pilot stage throughout the University of Missouri System.
Bonnie Gregg, manager of human resource support services, told the council that the program, provided by SkillSoft, is part of the UM System’s commitment to faculty and staff to provide resources for training and professional development. She is one of eight staff members on the project implementation team representing each campus and the System.
Gregg said there are several reasons for looking at e-learning programs. Not only will this help employees develop competencies in various subjects, it also will help departments manage resources, especially travel expenses, since employees can get the training they need either from work or from home.
This program is not a substitute or replacement for instructor-led training courses, Gregg said. “Rather, it is designed to supplement traditional methods and provide greater opportunity for skill development while minimizing demands on our limited training resources.”
More than 1,000 employees throughout the UM System are participating in the three-month pilot that ends May 28. They have round-the-clock access to more than 3,000 courses and more than 10,000 books and additional resources such as highly technical topics, software application instruction, business skills development and legal compliance awareness. Gregg said those in the pilot provide feedback on the training, and their evaluation will help to decide whether to offer this type of online learning to employees in the future.
Employees interested in seeing what is available through SkillSoft may call Gregg at 882-4840 or e-mail
In other business the council discussed:
- Staff Recognition Week, May 17-21. Committee members are planning a week of activities geared around the theme of “Keeping MU Strong for Over 170 Years.” Among the events will be the annual staff recognition awards ceremony, the second consecutive showcase of talent, human resource seminars, the chancellor’s botanic garden tours, and a farmer’s market. Also all week, the council will hold its online auction to raise money for its education award.
Details for the week will be posted online at
- Upcoming election. The council seeks nominations for its election to be held this summer. Nominees must be full-time MU campus or Extension staff members who have completed one year of service before being nominated. Elected members will serve a three-year term beginning in September. Self-nominations are accepted. To nominate a staff member, complete the form found at and return by May 28 to the council’s office at 27 Jesse Hall.